I’ve overnighted dozens of times in Starbuck’s parking lots with permission, but I’ve never had anything like this happen. I had worked on my computer until closing time the night before at a Starbucks just outside of Sarasota.

{ glad you stopped by }
I’ve overnighted dozens of times in Starbuck’s parking lots with permission, but I’ve never had anything like this happen. I had worked on my computer until closing time the night before at a Starbucks just outside of Sarasota.
I’ll be completing the drive home soon. While I’m hanging out in Jacksonville waiting for the ice and snow to clear in Birmingham, I thought I would write a few notes on this one month road trip. Given the weather in Birmingham, the timing for this trip was truly serendipitous.
The experiment continues. I don’t know how much I’ll like this way of living, but by the time I return to Birmingham on February 14th I should have a better idea. Today was a totally non-touristy day.
I worked remotely via wifi at the very comfortable Starkbucks in “The Shops at Pembroke Gardens.” Afterward, I prepared my lunch using the propane burner in the Roadtrek. I got a flu shot at a Wallgreens. Then I worked out at the Y you see in the picture. After a long, hot shower, I had a veggie-delight at the Subway inside the Y.
The most pleasant part of the day was meeting Carlos Gonzalez-Rosquet. He pointed out the best attractions in the area, along with interesting pieces of history that went with them. More on that later.
I don’t know where I’ll overnight tonight, but I have a couple of possibilities in mind. I don’t want to repeat a stay in the same place more often than every 4 or 5 nights.
I might get used to this stealth camping in the Roadtrek. I’ve slept at National Parks and National Forests, parked on the street, and in the parking lots of hotels, apartments, travel centers, hospitals, and various other establishments. Tonight it’s a Whole Foods Market near Ft. Lauderdale. I have the manager’s permission.