Will’s message of peace has changed many lives. Everyone is welcome — hope to see you at this Birmingham Vegans event!

Pensacola Visit
It was great visiting with Terri, Crystal, Andy, Desmond, and Puck on Wednesday and Thursday. On Thursday Andy made a vegan version of his favorite Risotto recipe. The dish was naturally creamy without oils, used porcini mushrooms and spinach, and contained no added salt. It was so good. The picture is from Andy’s recipe book, but our dish looked almost just like it.
Earlier in the day Terri, Puck, and I visited Fort Pickens, built with 21 million bricks in 1834. It is perhaps best known for Geronimo’s imprisonment.
Click here to see some pictures of Fort Pickens or leave a comment
New Friends at the Animal Rights National Conference

Capitol Reef National Park
Saturday I said goodbye to Brian in West Jordan and headed out to Torrey, Utah, which is just outside Capitol Reef National Park. The plan was to visit the Park, and then enjoy the infamous Scenic Byway 12 to Bryce Canyon National Park.
I had a salad at Cafe Diablo in Torrey, then spent the night in the Roadtrek in their parking lot, with permission. In the morning I headed out to the least visited of the 5 national parks in Utah, and took a few pictures. I was not disappointed with the awesomeness I found there.

From Full Frame to Micro 4/3
I could rarely bring myself to lug around my Canon full frame camera and lens. So I recently sold all my full frame gear and used the money to buy a Panasonic GX7 micro-4/3 camera and a few lenses. The picture below shows the difference in size between my old system and my new system. The difference in weight is commensurate. What a relief.
Campground at Summerland Key
I woke early this morning at 5 a.m. and drove from Pembroke Pines to Key Largo. I stopped at a Starbucks at mile marker 100 to work a few hours before driving to my campsite at Summerland Key. This is the campsite, overlooking Lazy Lake. This is the first time I have stayed at a campground on this trip. I have full hookups (electricity, water, and sewer) as well as wifi. Tomorrow I plan to bicycle the 20 miles to Key West and explore.
The Experiment Continues
The experiment continues. I don’t know how much I’ll like this way of living, but by the time I return to Birmingham on February 14th I should have a better idea. Today was a totally non-touristy day.
I worked remotely via wifi at the very comfortable Starkbucks in “The Shops at Pembroke Gardens.” Afterward, I prepared my lunch using the propane burner in the Roadtrek. I got a flu shot at a Wallgreens. Then I worked out at the Y you see in the picture. After a long, hot shower, I had a veggie-delight at the Subway inside the Y.
The most pleasant part of the day was meeting Carlos Gonzalez-Rosquet. He pointed out the best attractions in the area, along with interesting pieces of history that went with them. More on that later.
I don’t know where I’ll overnight tonight, but I have a couple of possibilities in mind. I don’t want to repeat a stay in the same place more often than every 4 or 5 nights.
Urban Stealth Camping in the Roadtrek
I might get used to this stealth camping in the Roadtrek. I’ve slept at National Parks and National Forests, parked on the street, and in the parking lots of hotels, apartments, travel centers, hospitals, and various other establishments. Tonight it’s a Whole Foods Market near Ft. Lauderdale. I have the manager’s permission.
Walk for Animals in Atlanta
Beverly, Kilee, Gillian, Vic, and I joined the Walk for Animals in Atlanta.
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Davy Crockett State Park
This picture was taken during a morning bike ride at Davy Crockett State Park in Tenessee. This bike trail is paved, but a little bumpy for a road bike because of the places where the pavement has been raised by roots.